Sunday, August 2, 2009

School at 33

So as most of you may know, I am a college student. I am also 33 years old. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a college student at this age, it doesn't always make me feel good about it. After I graduated high school in 1994, I went to college for 2 years (to the place where I am now!) but I hated it. I am glad I am back and taking it seriously this time (and I of course can NOT ever adequately express how grateful I am to my Dad for footing the bill- he takes education very seriously as well do I) and I am a better student this go around. Do I wish I had done this when I was 18? For sure, but I just wasn't ready. I go to school with really nice people, yet being my age makes me feel a bit out of place. I am able to make friends, and luckily I don't look 33. (Which will help me many, many years down the road!) I just wish I could share my experiences with my fellow students without sounding like a know-it-all or a mother figure. I've never been great at fitting in anywhere or not feeling awkward so that affects me, too. What my present college experience HAS taught me is that if there is something you want to do, DO IT. And DO IT NOW. We only get this one shot and MUST take advantage of what we are able to do! I have no desire for marriage and don't even ask me about children. Not for me, thanks! My point is that are not too old make a great life for ourselves! Grasp the opportunities! Seize the day! Blah blah blah You catch my drift, right? Get out, and enjoy yourself.

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